A Modern House Part Two: House Tour

  Residences are our most common project type for our practice, but remains one of the more complex to design.  From experience this is due to the special meaning a home has in the mind and heart of the client.  Commercial buildings may have high technology, cutting edge concepts and engineering savvy, but a home... Continue Reading →

House Construction Schedule in Pictures

Building a new house carries with it many questions, one of the most common is: "How long will it take?".    It is important to the client because it carries with it many concerns, such as mobilizing the move of their furniture and personal effects, concluding a lease or rental contract in the current residence,... Continue Reading →

A Modern House, Part One: Form Development

As the project moves from Conceptual Phase, where the plan and organization of space and program is covered; to the overarching exercises on the exterior of the project in the Schematic, Design Development & Construction Documents Phase; a lot of schemes and exercises for a house may fall by the way side, either as a... Continue Reading →

A Commercial Building Project

Commercial building design can go many ways depending on purpose, program and budget.  The particular client of this building had a clear idea of their needs.  It had to be robust, easy to maintain, fits the business they were engaged in & could accommodate other tenants too. While multi-storey structures are to be defined by... Continue Reading →

Functional Beauty

It's not everyday you get to work for an old friend, much less an institution that you’ve known nearly all your life. The program was to design a dormitory style residence for the La Salle Brothers, the plan is modular so that all the rooms are similar, with provisions to make more when they are... Continue Reading →

Asian Dragon House Feature

This house was designed  for a couple who are doctors with 2 teenage children, on a site surrounded by wonderful trees, in a quiet neighborhood.  Its interior designer  John Vigilia has just been featured on Asian Dragon Magazine. Do get a copy and check out John's interior design and the architecture  by our practice. Below... Continue Reading →

Single Storey Renovation

Houses, aside from maintenance, need some renovation after some time, possibly because of changes in function, users or external factors. The renovation of this house involved many of the same and some more requirements of the client. In this project an interior designer gave the initial direction to the renovation and provided the input for... Continue Reading →

Simple Condo Fit Out

With rising land prices and increasing population in the cities, condominium or ‘condo’ living has become widespread.  Even in the predominantly low rise subdivision communities where two storey houses had been the norm, high rise condominiums by the major developers have been finding inroads to cater to: the children of first movers of the community,... Continue Reading →

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